Friday 21 June 2013

Space Man

There is limited space in cities and towns and that space if often consumed by cars. Cars are so ridiculously space inefficient they take up as much space as you give them. This reality often leaves people thinking that there is no space for cycling infrastructure or bigger pedestrian areas and dismiss the idea as implausible. But if there is limited space surely there is no space for ridiculously space inefficient forms of mobility?

What would be the consequence of  reallocation of space to people?  Lets take Time Square for example.

A waste of all that space that "could be used for a for a car dealership or a parking lot, or something"?  Here are some less emotional and more numerical effects of this kind of people friendly urban planing in New York.

According to Wikipedia New York City population density is 10,630/km² and Vienna is 4,002/km². So Vienna has lots more space. It is truly a ridiculous argument to say that Vienna does not have enough space for cycle infrastructure the real question is does it have space for car infrastructure?

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